Harvard Endorses Chiropractic

This is exciting news which helps to show how far chiropractic has come.  Harvard acknowledges chiropractic can help decrease pain.  Gone are the days when MDs (medical doctors) and DCs (doctors of chiropractic) can’t work together.  Chiropractic education has drastically changed and increased to rival MD graduate school and includes far more treatment options than adjusting.  DCs are now trained…

Big Food Businesses Adapting

If this isn’t proof that we vote with our dollar, I don’t know what is!  Two recent stories have caught my eye that show companies have to pay attention to consumer trends/demands. 1. Nestle is eliminating artificial ingredients from products such as Butterfinger.  Yes, it will still be junk food and unhealthy, however they are…


I teach at a local community college and we have a snow day so how do I spend it?  Food documentaries of course!  This post is a quick review of a documentary called Ingredients. I found this to be a great documentary that is informative while staying away from many hot-button issues that can divide…

AutoImmune Diet?

Here is a pretty good main-stream article regarding the idea that nutrition can have on autoimmune and inflammatory conditions: Is the AutoImmune Paleo Diet Legit?  The idea is that what we eat can direct our body to generate inflammatory signals or anti-inflammatory signals.  You may have heard of the anti-inflammatory diet or Zone diet which have…

New Approaches Needed for Chronic Pain Management

Here is an article released by the National Institute of Health which gives the astounding stat that an estimated 100 million people in the US live with chronic pain.  We have roughly 300 million people in the US so we are talking about 1/3 of the population?!  Degree of disability associated with the pain is going to…

How Many “Power House Fruits and Vegetables” Do You Eat?

It is exciting to see the CDC interested in nutrition as a way to truly prevent chronic disease.  Here is an article (2014) that defines “Power House Fruits and Vegetables” (PFV).  I find it interesting that they DO NOT include bananas, apples, corn, and potatoes since those are the fruits and vegetables I see most often…

Congress Relaxes School Lunch Programs

This is upsetting.  It appears that congress has made it possible to have government sponsored school lunches less healthy.  Instead of working on the problems they give up.  Yes, there are MANY challenges to changing the way someone eats.  At schools this includes: The ability of the staff to cook fresh food Having the kitchen…

Cleveland Clinic Questions Artificial Sweeteners

It can be a little depressing to go from sugar soda, to diet, and now to neither however it seems that is the way even mainstream medical centers are going.  I haven’t been a fan of artificial sweeteners for quite a while and now it seems that idea is gaining support.  Cleveland Clinic is one…

MRI and Chronic Fatigue

MRI used in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is usually one of those difficult diagnoses to both give and receive as a patient.  Most of the diagnosis comes from subjective symptoms with very little objective measurements.  There are some assessment forms but it would be nice to have something more diagnostic.  There may…